Show results - KOMÁROM 3NAP 3CACIB 2019. JÚNIUS 11. kedd-Tuesday Special Champion

Numer początkowy Results, Titles Imie psa Numer rodowodowy Gatunek, Rasa, Klasa Sex Date of birth Exhibitor Ring Sędzia
#1039. res. CACIB, Avatar’s Delightfull for Design AKCSR97533504 Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever / Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (St. n.:312) Champion piesek 2017-01-05 Breuer-pieron Alain-julie (BEL) (18.) Lykourgos Zoumpoulidis (GRC)
#1040. CACIB, Shaggy Tollers Red Hot Dexter DK09735/2015 Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever / Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (St. n.:312) Champion piesek 2015-05-01 Bettina Riisborg (DNK) (18.) Lykourgos Zoumpoulidis (GRC)
#1041. HPJ, Toller`s Delight Designed By Beauty DK12031/2018 Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever / Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (St. n.:312) Junior Suka 2018-06-11 Geziena A. Bos (DNK) (18.) Lykourgos Zoumpoulidis (GRC)
#1042. CACIB, Rendez-vous Secret Des Petits Bouleaux LOSH1284294 Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever / Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (St. n.:312) Intermediate Suka 2018-02-20 Breuer-pieron Alain-julie (BEL) (18.) Lykourgos Zoumpoulidis (GRC)
#1044. res. CACIB, Toller`s Delight Unforgettable Echo DK18616/2016 Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever / Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (St. n.:312) Open Suka 2016-10-19 Geziena A. Bos (DNK) (18.) Lykourgos Zoumpoulidis (GRC)
#1046. HPJ, Starworkers Busy As a Bee DK10094/2018 Flat Coated Retriever / Flat Coated Retriever (St. n.:121) Junior piesek 2018-05-01 Helle Nielsen (DNK) (17.) Fiona Fearon-Zammit (AUS)
#1047. res. CACIB, Moonstruck Make Some Noise ÖHZB FRC 2200 Flat Coated Retriever / Flat Coated Retriever (St. n.:121) Intermediate piesek 2017-09-25 Marlies Gruber (AUT) (17.) Fiona Fearon-Zammit (AUS)
#1048. CACIB, Keep In Touch Oasis of Peace DK14252/2016 Flat Coated Retriever / Flat Coated Retriever (St. n.:121) Open piesek 2016-04-21 Helle Nielsen (DNK) (17.) Fiona Fearon-Zammit (AUS)
#1051. HPJ, Starworkers Bring It on DK10092/2018 Flat Coated Retriever / Flat Coated Retriever (St. n.:121) Junior Suka 2018-05-01 Helle Nielsen (DNK) (17.) Fiona Fearon-Zammit (AUS)
#1052. res. CACIB, Lara Croft Vom Moenchskloster ÖHZB FRC 2152 Flat Coated Retriever / Flat Coated Retriever (St. n.:121) Open Suka 2017-04-05 Marlies Gruber (AUT) (17.) Fiona Fearon-Zammit (AUS)
#1053. CACIB, Starworkers Your`re One In a Million DK12406/2015 Flat Coated Retriever / Flat Coated Retriever (St. n.:121) Open Suka 2015-07-01 Helle Nielsen (DNK) (17.) Fiona Fearon-Zammit (AUS)
#1064. res. CACIB, Bravo Messi RKF 4476928 Labrador retriever / Labrador Retriever (St. n.:122) Work piesek 2016-05-01 Natalia Shatrukova (RUS) (17.) Fiona Fearon-Zammit (AUS)
#1066. CACIB, Zurbagan for Mary RKF 4902526 Labrador retriever / Labrador Retriever (St. n.:122) Champion piesek 2017-05-26 Allison Veale (HRV) (17.) Fiona Fearon-Zammit (AUS)
#1068. HPJ, Lab`spb Yuventa RKF 5198127 Labrador retriever / Labrador Retriever (St. n.:122) Junior Suka 2018-02-21 Degtev Evgeny (RUS) (17.) Fiona Fearon-Zammit (AUS)
#1077. res. CACIB, Lab`spb La Diva RKF 4239901 Labrador retriever / Labrador Retriever (St. n.:122) Work Suka 2015-05-19 Egorova Anastasia (RUS) (17.) Fiona Fearon-Zammit (AUS)
#1078. CACIB, Fajtagyőztes / Best of Breed (BOB) #2, Best of Group helyezés / rank: 2, Lab`spb Miss America RKF 4258629 Labrador retriever / Labrador Retriever (St. n.:122) Champion Suka 2015-07-25 Egorova Anastasia (RUS) (17.) Fiona Fearon-Zammit (AUS)
#1082. HPJ, Elkarima`s Golden Love Ofmy Life ÖHZB GR8249 Golden retriever / Golden Retriever (St. n.:111) Junior piesek 2018-03-07 Elisabeth Binder (AUT) (17.) Fiona Fearon-Zammit (AUS)
#1085. CACIB, Lozung Brighten Up My Day RKF 5090604 Golden retriever / Golden Retriever (St. n.:111) Intermediate piesek 2017-07-27 Besedina I. (RUS) (17.) Fiona Fearon-Zammit (AUS)
#1094. res. CACIB, Lozung Absolute Legend Fernflower RKF 3979761 Golden retriever / Golden Retriever (St. n.:111) Work piesek 2014-07-05 Mironova Ekaterina (RUS) (17.) Fiona Fearon-Zammit (AUS)
#1100. HPJ, Pure Paws Energie Bomb MET.Gold.r.648/18 Golden retriever / Golden Retriever (St. n.:111) Junior Suka 2018-05-08 Kalmár Sándorné (HUN) (17.) Fiona Fearon-Zammit (AUS)
#1102. res. CACIB, Crown Royal Canis Regnum SPKP3394 Golden retriever / Golden Retriever (St. n.:111) Intermediate Suka 2018-02-14 Ivana Hanuliaková (SVK) (17.) Fiona Fearon-Zammit (AUS)
#1106. CACIB, Bonett Bride Morning Coffe MET.Gold.r.301/17 Golden retriever / Golden Retriever (St. n.:111) Champion Suka 2017-05-02 Kalmár Nikolett (HUN) (17.) Fiona Fearon-Zammit (AUS)
#1109. HPJ, Silvery- Snowball Haribo of Angels PKR.VIII-38222 Angol cocker spániel / English Cocker Spaniel (St. n.:5) Junior piesek 2018-06-29 Paul Mcclean (POL) (18.) Lykourgos Zoumpoulidis (GRC)
#1110. CACIB, Lord Diego of Black Kelio PKR.VIII-36829 Angol cocker spániel / English Cocker Spaniel (St. n.:5) Intermediate piesek 2017-07-18 Marta Woch (POL) (18.) Lykourgos Zoumpoulidis (GRC)
#1111. res. CACIB, Gulliver Z Bojnickych Údolov SPKP2401 Angol cocker spániel / English Cocker Spaniel (St. n.:5) Champion piesek 2016-05-22 Michal Cervenak (SVK) (18.) Lykourgos Zoumpoulidis (GRC)
#1112. HPJ, Amelia Od Bukové Studánky CLP/AC/38887 Angol cocker spániel / English Cocker Spaniel (St. n.:5) Junior Suka 2018-04-15 Michal Cervenak (SVK) (18.) Lykourgos Zoumpoulidis (GRC)
#1113. CACIB, Felamo Finally It’s Spring JR 79453 Ks Angol cocker spániel / English Cocker Spaniel (St. n.:5) Open Suka 2016-03-01 Fehérvári László (SRB) (18.) Lykourgos Zoumpoulidis (GRC)
#1114. res. CACIB, I`m Your Inspiration Zlota Grota PKR.VIII-33244 Angol cocker spániel / English Cocker Spaniel (St. n.:5) Champion Suka 2015-08-13 Karol Frydrych (DNK) (18.) Lykourgos Zoumpoulidis (GRC)
#1115. CACIB, Oliver Twist Des Haies De La Conchee RKF5267302 Field spániel / Field Spaniel (St. n.:123) Intermediate piesek 2018-02-11 Makeeva Sletvana (RUS) (18.) Lykourgos Zoumpoulidis (GRC)
#1116. CACIB, Clementine Coccinelle Gabrettina CLP/ASS/6679 Angol springer spániel / English Springer Spaniel (St. n.:125) Open Suka 2016-02-18 Martina Hollasová (CZE) (18.) Lykourgos Zoumpoulidis (GRC)
#1117. CACIB, Roosnell Calycanthus FI21156/13 Kooikerhondje / Nederlandse Kooikerhondje (St. n.:314) Champion piesek 2013-02-28 Outi-helena Haapala (FIN) (18.) Lykourgos Zoumpoulidis (GRC)
#1118. HPJ, Fajtagyőztes / Best of Breed (BOB) #3, Best of Group helyezés / rank: 3, Four Seasons Hunique Euphoria MET.Am.Csp.58/18. Amerikai cocker spániel / American Cocker Spaniel (St. n.:167) Junior Suka 2017-12-22 Nagy Tamás (HUN) (18.) Lykourgos Zoumpoulidis (GRC)
#1119. CACIB, Layton Coucher Avec Moi SPKP 2013 Amerikai cocker spániel / American Cocker Spaniel (St. n.:167) Champion Suka 2017-05-03 Marcela Blazková (SVK) (18.) Lykourgos Zoumpoulidis (GRC)
#1120. CACIB, Do The Hokey Pokey De Sinkovic FI16590/17 Spanyol vízikutya / Spanish Water Dog (St. n.:336) Champion piesek 2014-09-18 Pia Sarianna Merilainen (FIN) (18.) Lykourgos Zoumpoulidis (GRC)
#1121. HPJ, Zorrazo Quality Matters MET.Sp.Vizikutya5/H/19 Spanyol vízikutya / Spanish Water Dog (St. n.:336) Junior Suka 2018-04-11 Kalmár Adél (HUN) (18.) Lykourgos Zoumpoulidis (GRC)
#1122. HPJ, Harmonia Lagotto`s Peak SPKP 371 Lagotto Romagnolo / Romagna Water Dog (St. n.:298) Junior Suka 2018-06-22 Anovcinova Maria (SVK) (18.) Lykourgos Zoumpoulidis (GRC)
#1123. Puppy Best in Show, Helyezés / Rank: 2., Balu Ortipo Black MET.Port.Vizi. 67/19 Portugál vízikutya / Portuguese Water Dog (St. n.:37) Puppy piesek 2018-11-06 Ortipo Kft. (HUN) (18.) Lykourgos Zoumpoulidis (GRC)
#1125. CACIB, Fajtagyőztes / Best of Breed (BOB) #1, Best of Group helyezés / rank: 1, Sweet Obsesson Goal Getter MET.Port.Vizi. 36/H/17 Portugál vízikutya / Portuguese Water Dog (St. n.:37) Champion Suka 2016-05-05 Ortipo Kft. (HUN) (18.) Lykourgos Zoumpoulidis (GRC)